Well, I'm going to try to put all the Rainbow Brite links I can find here, but that may take a while. If you know of any that are not here, please email them to me! Thanks! ^^

All Hail Rainbow Brite
RAINBOWLAND: The Home of Rainbow Brite!
The Green Color Kid's Spiff-o Page! ^_^
Stormy's Rainbow Land
Servo-Z's Rainbow Brite WAVs
Welcome To Rainbow Land!
Rainbow Brite Sweetie Pie
Rainbow Brite
Rainbow Brite
Index of The Rainbow Brite Webring


Rainbow Brite Stuff to Buy|Rainbow Brite Links|Rainbow Brite Songs|Rainbow Brite Images|Rainbow Brite Info

All images and text are ©1998 Jeni Essington. Please do not steal them without permission, as that would be very wrong, and Murky and Lurky would come get you!! Rainbow Brite is ©1983 Hallmark Cards, Inc. Thanks! ^_-