I was going to try to put up a whole bunch of "Rainbow Brite for sale" links, but then I figured, there's really only one that I like, and always will have really good prices. I reccommend Ebay Auction. This link is set to Rainbow Brite items. There are usually at least 40+ items for sale, and it changes every day. I've purchased cassette tapes, sheets, and a XS book on Ebay, all with much luck. But, just to warn you, be careful. ^^ If you want, some of the pages listed on the links page will have things for sale and/or links to them.
All images and text are ©1998 Jeni Essington. Please do not steal them without permission, as that would be very wrong, and Murky and Lurky would come get you!! Rainbow Brite is ©1983 Hallmark Cards, Inc. Thanks! ^_-