Hi! Okay, My full name is Jennifer Essington. But, ugh, Jennifer? So I shortened it to Jenn or (even better) Jeni! Much cuter, if you ask me. I'm 14, my birthday is September 18. My favorite color is red. I love rainbows. I draw them all over everything. That's sorta what made me think about Rainbow Brite again. I loved it when I was little. And now I do again!
I love to sing. I'm in chorus at school, and I go in half an hour early every day for "vocal jazz", an extra singing thing. I got in the repertory choir, a choir that choreographs extra songs and stuff. Only two people from my entire grade got in, so I'm pretty proud of myself. ^v^ I'm excited, too. I took voice lessons for a whole bunch of years (four, I think), although I'm not currently taking any.
I love to draw. I love to make CG (Computer Graphics), not like the ones on my "
graphics" page, but like my Serendipity page. I'm in the process of more grown-up CG page than Serendipity. I'm not great, but I'm getting better. I also love to draw on paper. My friends say I'm good, but I don't think so. I've seen absolutely gorgeous things on the internet that I could never compete with. But, practice makes perfect, and I get a lot of it!
I do listen to funny music, Spice Girls, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Simon and Garfunkel, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana (kinda), and Simon and Garfunkel. I also love the Cds that are made for children, I'm not sure why. I mean, I have Rainbow Brite and Sailor Moon, but I also listen to the Little Mermaid, Sesame Street, Strawberry Shortcake, I don't really know why.
I love to wear skirts. I don't know why, they're just what I find comfortable. And jeans, too. And tank tops, even if the teachers do tell me "That shirt is inapprop-riate for school" They're just cute. Teachers do not know what they're talking about.
I love acting, although I don't have much experience. I was Glinda in the Wizard of Oz, and I had a solo in the school play, but I haven't done much else. I'm going to a camp with theater, though, and hopefully I'll get to be in some plays there. It's called
Camp Ballibay and it's in Camptown, PA.
I love my friends. I don't have pictures of all of them, but of some. I'll put themup. If you actually want to know more about my friends, go to the
friends page. (really tricky names, eh?)
I really, really, really want a princess phone. Do you know what they are? Old telephones from the 1950-1970's. They're rotary dial and they are SOOOO super cute. They came in pretty colors like pink and purple and teal and blue. I'll see if I can find a picture somewhere. If you have a princess phone that you want to sell, please
email me! Thank you!!!
Oy vey, thanks for reading all this stuff. You can go now. Bye!! See you later!

All images and text are ©1998 Jeni Essington. Please do not steal them without permission, because if you do, I'll make you read even MORE boring pages about me. Thanks! ^_-